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On the Limits of Communication with Low-Precision Analog-to-Digital Conversion at the Receiver. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 57:3629-3639.
2009. Linear Control of Neuronal Spike Timing Using Phase Response Curves. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference Proceedings. :1541-+.
2009. A mechanistic model for breakage in population balances of granulation: Theoretical kernel development and experimental validation. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN. 87:598-614.
2009. A model of the cell-autonomous mammalian circadian clock. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 106:11107-11112.
2009. Model predictive control of continuous drum granulation. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 19:615-622.
2009. Multi-objective blood glucose control for type 1 diabetes. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING. 47:343-352.
2009. Multi-objective blood glucose control for type 1 diabetes. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING. 47:343-352.
2009. Output feedback design for saturated linear plants using deadzone loops. AUTOMATICA. 45:2917-2924.
2009. PASSIVATED ELECTRODE ACTUATOR WITH STABLE RESONANCE AMPLITUDE. Proceedings IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. :1099-1102.
2009. Piecewise-quadratic Lyapunov functions for systems with deadzones or saturations. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 58:365-371.
2009. .
2009. Practical Approach to Design and Implementation of a Control Algorithm in an Artificial Pancreatic Beta Cell. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 48:6059-6067.
2009. Practical Approach to Design and Implementation of a Control Algorithm in an Artificial Pancreatic Beta Cell. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 48:6059-6067.
2009. Stability Analysis for Set-Point-Related Indirect Iterative Learning Control. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :5702-5707.
2009. Analysis of hybrid systems resulting from relay-type hysteresis and saturation: a Lyapunov approach. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2764-2769.
2008. Batch-to-Batch Control of Characteristic Points on the PSD in Experimental Emulsion Polymerization. AICHE JOURNAL. 54:3171-3187.
2008. Batch-to-Batch Control of Characteristic Points on the PSD in Experimental Emulsion Polymerization. AICHE JOURNAL. 54:3171-3187.
2008. .
2008. Circadian Phase Resetting via Single and Multiple Control Targets. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 4
2008. Detection of a Meal Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring implications for an artificial beta-cell. DIABETES CARE. 31:295-300.
2008. Detection of a Meal Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring implications for an artificial beta-cell. DIABETES CARE. 31:295-300.
2008. Experimental studies on distributions of granule size, binder content and porosity in batch drum granulation: Inferences on process modelling requirements and process sensitivities. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 188:89-101.
2008. Feedback control of canards. CHAOS. 18