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Lan Y, Mezic I.  2013.  Linearization in the large of nonlinear systems and Koopman operator spectrum. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 242:42-53.
Pham T, Isaacs JT, Venkateswaran S, Madhow U, Hespanha J, Klein DJ, Burman J.  2013.  Localization with Sparse Acoustic Sensor Network Using UAVs as Information-Seeking Data Mules. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS. 9
Bidigare P, Kraut S, D. Brown, III R, Madhow U.  2013.  MIMO Channel Prediction Results on Outdoor Collected Data. Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers. :592-596.
Nabi A, Netoff T, Moehlis J, Stigen T.  2013.  Minimum energy control for in vitro neurons. JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING. 10
Mirzadeh M, Nabi A, Moehlis J, Gibou F.  2013.  Minimum energy desynchronizing control for coupled neurons. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE. 34:259-271.
Mirzadeh M, Nabi A, Moehlis J, Gibou F.  2013.  Minimum energy desynchronizing control for coupled neurons. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE. 34:259-271.
Jayaraman K.R, Mhaskar H.N, Chandrasekaran S..  2013.  Minimum Sobolev norm interpolation with trigonometric polynomials on the torus. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 249:96-112.
Mezic I, Rhoads B, Poje AC.  2013.  Minimum time heading control of underpowered vehicles in time-varying ocean currents. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 66:12-31.
Hespanha JP, Mosca E, Battistelli G, Tesi P.  2013.  Model-Free Adaptive Switching Control of Time-Varying Plants. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 58:1208-1220.
Mahjoubi H, Byl K.  2013.  Modeling Synchronous Muscle Function in Insect Flight: a Bio-Inspired Approach to Force Control in Flapping-Wing MAVs. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 70:181-202.
Manjunath B.S, Sunderrajan S.  2013.  Multiple View Discriminative Appearance Modeling with IMCMC for Distributed Tracking.
Krechetnikov R., Mayer H.C.  2013.  The nature of chemical reaction-driven tip-streaming. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 113
Doyle, III FJ, Herzog ED, Tsai CA, Granados-Fuentes D, Mazuski C, Harang R, Petzold LR, Meeker K, Kim J, An S.  2013.  A neuropeptide speeds circadian entrainment by reducing intercellular synchrony. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 110:E4355-E4361.
Doyle, III FJ, Herzog ED, Tsai CA, Granados-Fuentes D, Mazuski C, Harang R, Petzold LR, Meeker K, Kim J, An S.  2013.  A neuropeptide speeds circadian entrainment by reducing intercellular synchrony. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 110:E4355-E4361.
Mellichamp DA.  2013.  New discounted cash flow method: Estimating plant profitability at the conceptual design level while compensating for business risk/uncertainty. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 48:251-263.
Choi J, Chance Z, Love DJ, Madhow U.  2013.  Noncoherent Trellis Coded Quantization: A Practical Limited Feedback Technique for Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 61:5016-5029.
Choi J, Chance Z, Love DJ, Madhow U.  2013.  Noncoherent Trellis-Coded Quantization for Massive MIMO Limited Feedback Beamforming.
Bidigare P, Ni M, D. Brown, III R, Madhow U, Wang R.  2013.  Outage Probability Analysis of Distributed Reception with Hard Decision Exchanges. Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers. :597-601.
Min C, Detrixhe M, Gibou F.  2013.  A parallel fast sweeping method for the Eikonal equation. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 237:46-55.
Teel AR, Mayhew CG, Sanfelice RG.  2013.  On Path-Lifting Mechanisms and Unwinding in Quaternion-Based Attitude Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 58:1179-1191.
Mezic I, Fonoberov VA, Loire S.  2013.  Performance Study of an Adaptive Controller in the Presence of Uncertainty. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 21:1039-1043.
Kenig E, Cross M.C, Wiesenfeld K, Moehlis J.  2013.  Phase noise of oscillators with unsaturated amplifiers. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 88
Madhow U, Singh J.  2013.  Phase-Quantized Block Noncoherent Communication. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 61:2828-2839.
Paden BA, Moehlis J.  2013.  Point-to-point control near heteroclinic orbits: Plant and controller optimality conditions. AUTOMATICA. 49:3562-3570.
Marconi L., Cox N., Teel A.R.  2013.  Results on Non-Linear Hybrid Output Regulation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2036-2041.
