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Turner K, Qalandar K, Piazza G, Cassella C, Gibson B.  2015.  Analysis of the Impact of Release Area on the Quality Factor of Contour-Mode Resonators by Laser Doppler Vibrometry. IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium. :709-712.
Terry P, Byl K.  2015.  CoM Control for Underactuated 2D Hopping Robots with Series-Elastic Actuation via Higher Order Partial Feedback Linearization. :7795-7801.
Wilson D, Faramarzi S, Tinsley MR, Moehlis J, Snari R, Showalter K, Netoff TIvan.  2015.  Desynchronization of stochastically synchronized chemical oscillators. CHAOS. 25
Petzold L, Cohen M, Torshizi ADoostparas.  2015.  Direct Higher Order Fuzzy Rule-based Classification System: Application in Mortality Prediction. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine-BIBM. :846-852.
Li L, Turner K.  2015.  Effects of Stability Asymmetry in Parametrically Actuated MEMS Sensors on Phase Flip Probability. IEEE Sensors. :595-598.
Rowley D., Atkins C., Roy-Chowdhury A., Aggarwal J.K, Jain A., Hoogs A., Luck J., Blue R., Chang K., Swears E. et al..  2015.  An End-to-End System for Content-Based Video Retrieval using Behavior, Actions, and Appearance with Interactive Query Refinement.
Teel AR, Poveda JI.  2015.  Event-triggered based on-line optimization for a class of nonlinear systems. :5474-5479.
Teel AR, Poveda JI, Nesic D.  2015.  Flexible Nash Seeking Using Stochastic Difference Inclusions. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2236-2241.
Hespanha JP, Retzloff S, Rebich-Hespanha S, Tien S, Montello DR, Rice RE.  2015.  Image Themes and Frames in US Print News Stories about Climate Change. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION-A JOURNAL OF NATURE AND CULTURE. 9:491-519.
Teel A.R, Dullerud G.E, Heemels W.PMH.  2015.  A lifting approach to L-2-gain analysis of periodic event-triggered and switching sampled-data control systems. :4176-4182.
Doyle, III FJ, Rodriguez-Fernandez M, Timmer J, Klett H, Leon LR, Dineen S.  2015.  Modeling the inflammatory response in the hypothalamus ensuing heat stroke: Iterative cycle of model calibration, identifiability analysis, experimental design and data collection. MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES. 260:35-46.
Holthoff EL, Li L, Hiller T, Turner KL.  2015.  A Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP)-Coated Microbeam MEMS Sensor for Chemical Detection. Proceedings of SPIE. 9455
Todescato M, Bullo F, Dorfler F, Carli R, Simpson-Porco JW.  2015.  Optimal Voltage Support and Stress Minimization in Power Networks. :6921-6926.
Bhanu B, Thakoor NS, Manjunath B.S, An L, Sunderrajan S.  2015.  People Tracking in Camera Networks: Three Open Questions. COMPUTER. 48:78-86.
Tegling E, Bamieh B, Gayme DF.  2015.  The Price of Synchrony: Evaluating the Resistive Losses in Synchronizing Power Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL OF NETWORK SYSTEMS. 2:254-266.
Teel AR.  2015.  A Recurrence Principle for Stochastic Difference Inclusions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 60:420-435.
Teel AR, Brodtkorb AH, Sorensen AJ.  2015.  Sensor-based Hybrid Observer for Dynamic Positioning. :948-953.
Theillard M, Pollock T, Gibou F.  2015.  A Sharp Computational Method for the Simulation of the Solidification of Binary Alloys. JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. 63:330-354.
Hammond SD, Torres C, Manjunath B.S, Fried JC.  2015.  Sleep Pose Recognition in an ICU Using Multimodal Data and Environmental Feedback. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 9163:56-66.
Guittet A, Lepilliez M, Gibou F, Tanguy S.  2015.  Solving elliptic problems with discontinuities on irregular domains - the Voronoi Interface Method. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 298:747-765.
Teel AR, Moe S, Pettersen KY, Antonelli G.  2015.  Stability Analysis for Set-based Control within the Singularity-robust Multiple Task-priority Inverse Kinematics Framework. :171-178.
Guittet A, Gibou F, Theillard M.  2015.  A stable projection method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on arbitrary geometries and adaptive Quad/Octrees. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 292:215-238.
Turner KL, Das S, Israelachvili JN, Cadirov N, Hogan J, Kaufman Y, Chary S.  2015.  Stick - slip friction of gecko-mimetic flaps on smooth and rough surfaces. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE. 12
Teel AR, Hespanha JP.  2015.  Stochastic hybrid systems: a modeling and stability theory tutorial. :3116-3136.
