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Enhancement in CMOS-MEMS Resonator for High Sensitive Temperature Sensing. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 17:598-603.
2017. Survival Topic Models for Predicting Outcomes for Trauma Patients. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :1497-1504.
2017. Understanding the Security Challenges of Oblivious Cloud Storage with Asynchronous Accesses. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :1377-1378.
2017. Identification of disease states associated with coagulopathy in trauma. BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING. 16
2016. Mathematical Foundations of the GraphBLAS. IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference.
2016. Outcome Measures for Artificial Pancreas Clinical Trials: A Consensus Report. DIABETES CARE. 39:1175-1179.
2016. Randomized Crossover Comparison of Personalized MPC and PID Control Algorithms for the Artificial Pancreas. DIABETES CARE. 39:1135-1142.
2016. TaoStore: Overcoming Asynchronicity in Oblivious Data Storage. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. :198-217.
2016. Adjustment of Open-Loop Settings to Improve Closed-Loop Results in Type 1 Diabetes: A Multicenter Randomized Trial. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM. 100:3878-3886.
2015. A Cure Time Model for Joint Prediction of Outcome and Time-to-Outcome. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. :1117-1122.
2015. Design and Evaluation of a Robust PID Controller for a Fully Implantable Artificial Pancreas. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 54:10311-10321.
2015. The Impact of Glucose Sensing Dynamics on the Closed-Loop Artificial Pancreas. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :5116-5121.
2015. Interference analysis for mm-wave picocells. IEEE Global Communications Conference.
2015. Artificial Pancreas (AP) Clinical Trial Participants' Acceptance of Future AP Technology. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:590-595.
2014. Automatic Crosswind Flight of Tethered Wings for Airborne Wind Energy: Modeling, Control Design, and Experimental Results. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 22:1433-1447.
2014. Camera Network Coordination for Intruder Detection. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 22:1669-1683.
2014. Clinical Evaluation of an Automated Artificial Pancreas Using Zone-Model Predictive Control and Health Monitoring System. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:348-357.
2014. Closed- Loop Artificial Pancreas Systems: Engineering the Algorithms. DIABETES CARE. 37:1191-1197.
2014. Design and in silico evaluation of an intraperitoneal-subcutaneous (IP-SC) artificial pancreas. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 70:180-188.
2014. Glucose Sensing in the Peritoneal Space Offers Faster Kinetics Than Sensing in the Subcutaneous Space. DIABETES. 63:2498-2505.
2014. Multicenter Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Study Points to Challenges for Keeping Blood Glucose in a Safe Range by a Control Algorithm in Adults and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes from Various Sites. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:613-622.
2014. Multicenter Closed-Loop/Hybrid Meal Bolus Insulin Delivery with Type 1 Diabetes. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:623-632.
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