Found 912 results
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Equitable Partitioning Policies for Robotic Networks. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA. :3979-+.
2009. Error Scaling Laws for Linear Optimal Estimation From Relative Measurements. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. 55:5661-5673.
2009. GeoTrack: Bio-Inspired Global Video Tracking by Networks of Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Proceedings of SPIE. 7321
2009. Gradient algorithms for polygonal approximation of convex contours. AUTOMATICA. 45:510-516.
2009. Hybrid Elastic and Discrete-Particle Approach to Biomembrane Dynamics with Application to the Mobility of Curved Integral Membrane Proteins. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 102
2009. .
2009. In Silico Evaluation Platform for Artificial Pancreatic beta-Cell Development-A Dynamic Simulator for Closed-Loop Control with Hardware-in-the-Loop. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 11:187-194.
2009. Interference suppression in the presence of quantization errors. Annual Allerton Conference on Communication Control and Computing. :1161-+.
2009. On Kalman Filtering for Detectable Systems With Intermittent Observations. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 54:386-390.
2009. Linear Representation of Network Traffic With Special Application to Wireless Workload Generation. MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS. 14:368-386.
2009. Metric Based Multi-Timescale Control For Reducing Power In Embedded Systems. International Conference on VLSI Design, Proceedings. :407-412.
2009. Mistuning-Based Control Design to Improve Closed-Loop Stability Margin of Vehicular Platoons. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 54:2100-2113.
2009. Modelling and simulations of the migration of pelagic fish. ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE. 66:826-838.
2009. Modelling and simulations of the migration of pelagic fish. ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE. 66:826-838.
2009. Monotonic Target Assignment for Robotic Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 54:2042-2057.
2009. Multiagent coverage algorithms with gossip communication: control systems on the space of partitions. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2228-+.
2009. Multirobot Rendezvous With Visibility Sensors in Nonconvex Environments. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS. 25:340-352.
2009. A Necessary and Sufficient Frequency Domain Criterion for the Passivity of SISO Sampled-Data Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 54:611-614.
2009. Network Abstract Linear Programming with Application to Cooperative Target Localization. Understanding Complex Systems Springer Complexity. :177-+.
2009. Nonsmooth Coordination and Geometric Optimization via Distributed Dynamical Systems. SIAM REVIEW. 51:163-189.
2009. .
2009. PASSIVATED ELECTRODE ACTUATOR WITH STABLE RESONANCE AMPLITUDE. Proceedings IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. :1099-1102.
2009. Pattern matching in batch bioprocesses-Comparisons across multiple products and operating conditions. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 33:88-96.
2009. Probabilistic Occlusion Boundary Detection on Spatio-Temporal Lattices. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. :560-567.